How is Aussie Rules football different?

Aussie Rules football, also known as Australian football or simply “footy,” is a unique sport with several distinctive features that set it apart from other football codes like soccer, American football, and rugby. Here are some key differences:

  1. Ball shape and size: The ball used in Aussie Rules football is oval-shaped, similar to a rugby ball, but it is slightly smaller and lighter.
  2. Field dimensions: The playing field, or “ground,” is larger and more spacious than in most other football codes. It typically measures between 135 and 185 meters in length and 110 to 155 meters in width.
  3. Number of players: Each team consists of 18 players on the field, plus four interchange players on the bench. This is more than soccer (11 players) and American football (11 players on offense and 11 on defense), but fewer than rugby union (15 players) and rugby league (13 players).
  4. Scoring: Points are scored by kicking the ball through the opposing team’s goalposts. A goal, worth six points, is scored when the ball is kicked between the two inner posts. A behind, worth one point, is scored when the ball passes between a goal post and a behind post or when it is touched before passing between the goal posts.
  5. Continuous play: Unlike American football and rugby, there are no set plays or huddles in Aussie Rules football. Play is continuous, with the exception of stoppages for out-of-bounds, injuries, or rule infractions.
  6. Physical contact: While there is physical contact in Aussie Rules football, it is generally less than in rugby or American football. Tackling is allowed, but it must be done in a specific way: wrapping both arms around an opponent from behind or below the shoulders.
  7. Skills: Aussie Rules football requires a unique set of skills, including high marking (catching the ball in the air), kicking, handballing (punching the ball with a closed fist), and evasive maneuvers like sidestepping and swerving.

These are just a few of the ways that Aussie Rules football differs from other football codes. It’s a fast-paced, exciting, and physically demanding sport that has gained popularity both within and outside of Australia.